PD Dr. med. Jan Philipp Kolb

Specialist in orthopaedics and trauma surgery
Specialist in knee surgery

“For me, it’s not just important to treat injuries, but to constantly question how we can optimize treatment methods to get patients back to their active lives faster and better.”

PD Dr. Jan-Philipp Kolb is not only an experienced specialist in orthopedics and trauma surgery but also an active person who loves sporting challenges. In his youth, he gained recognition as a tennis player and golfer; today, he stays fit through cycling and regular home workouts. Through his diverse experience in both clinical and research settings, he combines professional expertise with a deep understanding of the needs of athletes and active individuals.

PD Dr. Kolb brings extensive experience in orthopedics and trauma surgery. As a senior physician at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, he has demonstrated his expertise in demanding clinical environments. His habilitation on the subject of “Injuries Associated with Anterior Cruciate Ligament Ruptures” not only underscores his scientific knowledge but also his commitment to the continuous development of innovative and evidence-based treatment methods.

As a partner in the OC-Stadtmitte practice in Berlin and in collaboration with various professional societies, PD Dr. Kolb ensures that patients receive the best possible care – from preventative treatment to complex operations. With a clear focus on functionality, mobility, and quality of life, he is dedicated to the rapid and sustainable recovery of his patients.

Additional designations

  • Specializist in trauma surgery
  • D-doctor

Additional qualifications

  • Expertise in Radiation Protection Emergency Diagnostics
  • Expertise in Radiation Protection X-ray Diagnostics Skeleton
  • ETC provider


  • DGOU – German Society for Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery
  • DKG – German Knee Society
  • AGA – Society for Arthroscopy and Joint Surgery
  • BDC – Professional Association of German Surgeons

Weitere Ärzt:innen

Erfahren und Qualifiziert

Unser Ärzt:innen-Team besteht aus erfahrenen Spezialist:innen, die eine umfassende medizinische Expertise bieten.

Dr. med. univ. Gerald Ackerl

Specialist in orthopedics and trauma surgery and sports medicine
Focussed on knee and shoulder surgery

Dr. med. Kai Bauwens

Specialist for orthopedics and trauma surgery
Focussed on foot and ankle surgery

Professor Dr. med. Andreas Eisenschenk e.m.

Hand surgeon
Specialist in orthopaedics and trauma surgery
Specialist orthopaedic surgeon

Dr. med. Karsten Lesemann

Specialist for orthopedics, trauma surgery and general surgery
Focussed on foot and ankle surgery

Dr. med. Benjamin Reicke

Specialist in orthopaedics and trauma surgery
Focussed on conservative therapy

Dr. med. Thomas Stoffels

Specialist in orthopedics and trauma surgery and sports medicine
Focussed on knee and shoulder surgery