Professor Dr. med. Andreas Eisenschenk e.m.

Hand surgeon
Specialist in orthopaedics and trauma surgery
Specialist orthopaedic surgeon

“Sport has always been a central part of my life. The right balance between exertion and regeneration requires experience and discipline – this is exactly what I passionately pass on to my patients.”

Prof. Dr. Andreas Eisenschenk is a specialist in hand surgery as well as orthopedics and trauma surgery, with decades of experience in reconstructive surgery. As a former multi-athlete and trainer at the Charlottenburg Sports Club, he understands from personal experience how essential functioning biomechanics are for athletic performance and everyday movements. Today, his passion lies in the surgical restoration of hand function – with the utmost precision under microscopic magnification.

His medical career has taken him from the University Medical Center Göttingen to the orthopedics department at FU Berlin in Oskar-Helene-Heim, and to leading positions as chief physician for hand, replantation, and microsurgery at the Berlin Accident Hospital, as well as head of hand and functional microsurgery at the University Medical Center Greifswald. He gained international experience during a scientific internship in Canada and through guest lectures in Greece.

Today, he combines his extensive surgical expertise with his own athletic experience. Half and full marathons are an integral part of his life – and his goal is to provide his patients with the best possible functionality and quality of life using the most modern treatment methods.

Additional designations

  • Sports medicine

Additional qualifications

  • X-ray diagnostics (specialized)


  • DGOT – German Society for Orthopaedics and Traumatology / Section for Hand and Microsurgery
  • DAM – German-speaking Association for Microsurgery of the Peripheral Nerves and Vessels
  • DAM – German Association for Hand Surgery
  • IAO – German Section of the International Working Group / Hand Osteosynthesis Working Group (founding member)
  • DEGOF – German Society for Orthopaedic Foot Surgery / Division of Trauma, Soft Tissue Damage, Microsurgery and Replantation Surgery (Section Head)
  • DAH – German Association for Hand Surgery
  • DGH – German Society for Hand Surgery (Advisory Board)
  • DGOOC – German Society for Orthopaedics and Orthopaedic Surgery (Head of the Section for Hand, Replantation and Microsurgery, Member of the Extended Board)
  • Scientific journal “OBERE EXTREMITÄT – Schulter, Ellenbogen, Hand”, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg (editor and editor-in-chief)


  • Handchirurgie Mikrochirurgie Plastische Chirurgie Journal (2022): Vonderlind H*, Eisenschenk A, Anderson S, Millrose M (2022): Arthrodesis of the distal interphalangeal Joint – a literature Review.
  • Journal of Hand Therapy 04/2021Asmus A*, Salloum M*, Wendy M, Millrose M, Obladen A, Goelz L, et al.: Increase of weight-bearing capacity of patients with lesions of the TFCC using a wrist brace.
  • Hand Surgery & Rehabilitation (2020): Millrose M*, Gesslein M, Kim S, Ottersbach C, Eisenschenk A, Asmus A: Results of a special interdisciplinary hand therapy program for work-related injuries.
  • BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders (2019): Kim S*, Eichenauer F, Asmus A, Mutze S, Eisenschenk A, Honigmann P: Superselective angiography of the wrist in patients with Kienbock’s disease.
  • Trauma Surgeon (2009): Rieger J, Wehrbein H, Eisenschenk A: Treatment of metacarpal fractures. Recommendations of the Hand Surgery Group of the German Trauma Society.
  • Orthopade (2008): Pliefke J*, Ekkernkamp A, Eisenschenk A: Ligamentous extensor tendon ruptures of the DIP joint : Surgical indications and techniques.

Weitere Ärzt:innen

Erfahren und Qualifiziert

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Dr. med. Kai Bauwens

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PD Dr. med. Jan Philipp Kolb

Specialist in orthopaedics and trauma surgery
Specialist in knee surgery

Dr. med. Karsten Lesemann

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Dr. med. Benjamin Reicke

Specialist in orthopaedics and trauma surgery
Focussed on conservative therapy

Dr. med. Thomas Stoffels

Specialist in orthopedics and trauma surgery and sports medicine
Focussed on knee and shoulder surgery