Dr. med. univ. Gerald Ackerl

Specialist in orthopedics and trauma surgery and sports medicine
Focussed on knee and shoulder surgery

“My experience as a team doctor in top-level sports has taught me how crucial precise medical care is – not only to make people healthy but also to push them back to their physical and athletic limits.”

Dr. Gerald Ackerl is an experienced specialist who has demonstrated his expertise in orthopedics, trauma surgery, and sports medicine through numerous prestigious positions. With his passion for sports, he has shown in various roles – ranging from team doctor to medical director of top international sports teams – how medical know-how and athletic understanding go hand in hand.

In addition to his work as a senior physician at the Center for Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopic Surgery, and Sports Medicine at the Berlin Accident Hospital, he currently heads the medical departments of the Belgian UCI World Tour cycling team Intermarché-Wanty and the Berlin basketball club Alba Berlin. As a result, he not only brings outstanding professional qualifications but also extensive practical experience from high-performance sports.

Dr. Ackerl is committed to helping both professional and recreational athletes return to their optimal performance through individualized treatment approaches and innovative therapies.

Additional designations

  • Specializist in trauma surgery
  • Sports medicine
  • Emergency medicine

Additional qualifications

  • Expertise in radiation protection
  • DKG Knee Surgeon


  • DGOU – German Society for Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery
  • DKG – German Knee Society
  • AGA – Society for Arthroscopy and Joint Surgery
  • GOTS – Society for Orthopaedic-Traumatologic Sports Medicine
  • Sports Doctors Association Berlin-Brandenburg e.V.


  • Upper Extremity / Springer Medizin, April 24, 2024: Diagnosis and treatment of osteoligamentous injuries of the sternoclavicular joint
  • JDDG (Journal of the German Society of Dermatology), June 1, 2016: Retrospective analysis of 56 soft tissue defects after one-stage reconstruction using dermal skin substitutes – Retrospective analysis of 56 softtissue defects treated with one-stage reconstruction using dermal skin substitutes.


Weitere Ärzt:innen

Erfahren und Qualifiziert

Unser Ärzt:innen-Team besteht aus erfahrenen Spezialist:innen, die eine umfassende medizinische Expertise bieten.

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Specialist for orthopedics and trauma surgery
Focussed on foot and ankle surgery

Professor Dr. med. Andreas Eisenschenk e.m.

Hand surgeon
Specialist in orthopaedics and trauma surgery
Specialist orthopaedic surgeon

PD Dr. med. Jan Philipp Kolb

Specialist in orthopaedics and trauma surgery
Specialist in knee surgery

Dr. med. Karsten Lesemann

Specialist for orthopedics, trauma surgery and general surgery
Focussed on foot and ankle surgery

Dr. med. Benjamin Reicke

Specialist in orthopaedics and trauma surgery
Focussed on conservative therapy

Dr. med. Thomas Stoffels

Specialist in orthopedics and trauma surgery and sports medicine
Focussed on knee and shoulder surgery