Dr. med. Benjamin Reicke
Specialist in orthopaedics and trauma surgery Focussed on conservative therapy

“For me, sport is not only a personal passion, but also an opportunity to use my medical expertise in a targeted way so that an injury or chronic illness is not the end of an athlete’s career, but can also be a new beginning.”
Dr. Benjamin Reicke is a specialist in orthopaedics and trauma surgery as well as a specialist in sports medicine treatments. Due to his deep connection to sports, especially tennis and windsurfing, he knows the challenges associated with injuries and returning to sports activities.
He has gained extensive experience in various clinics, including the Asklepios Klinik Nord in Hamburg and the Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin, where he worked for many years as a specialist and, among other things, set up and managed a specialized knee rehabilitation unit.
Today, he is the managing partner of the OC Stadtmitte group practice, where he combines innovative treatment methods – especially in conservative and manual therapy – with a holistic understanding of the needs of active patients.
In addition to his active sporting passions, he also follows the highs and lows of 1. FC Kaiserslautern as a loyal fan and member.
Additional designations
- Specializist in trauma surgery
- D-doctor
Additional qualifications
- Manual medicine/chiropractic therapy
- Acupuncture
- Fascia distortion model
- Expertise in Radiation Protection Emergency Diagnostics
- Expertise in radiation protection skeleton
- Expertise in radiation protection thorax
- DGOU – German Society for Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery
- DGU – German Society for Trauma Surgery
- DGCH – German Society for Surgery
- EFDMA – European Fascial Distorsion Model Association
- DÄgfA – German Medical Association for Acupuncture
- BDC – Professional Association of German Surgeons
- DIGEST – German-speaking international society for extracorporeal shock wave therapy
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